On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:08 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:

He was talking about Bristol, genius,
which he explained and would have
been obvious to anyone with an
ounce of common sense.

The joke was about Palin's daughter getting knocked up at a Yankees game during their recent trip to NY. Thing is, it was 14 year old Willow who attended that game, not Bristol. So it's not at all unreasonable to assume that the joke was about Willow getting knocked up. As much as I dislike Palin's politics, I perfectly understand her rejecting Letterman's "apology" as bullshit.

Alex, your theory is absurd, and nobody else
feels this way except a few loonies.  Take a look
at the picture of Bristol and Willow in the website
following, and see if they don't look alike.


And from that same article:

Margaret Carlson of Bloomberg News put it best when talking to Keith Olbermann last night on "Countdown."

"David Letterman did not drag the 14-year-old daughter into this. The Palins dragged the 14-year-old daughter into it. And it was absolutely egregious. And they obviously hunger for this kind of melodrama."

Just about anybody -- literally -- understood that when Letterman made the jokes about Alex Rodriguez and Eliot Spitzer, he was talking about Bristol, not Willow. If by some chance you believe Willow was the target, the jokes don't make sense, and Rodriguez and Spitzer would have excellent libel suits ready and willing to file against the late-night comedian.

The Palins are shameless about using their
kids as political props, and this is just one
more fine example.


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