> > > During his monologue on June 8, Letterman called 
> > > Palin a "slutty flight attendant". Not only is this
> > > an insult to Palin, but to all flight attendants.
> > > 
> > The rightwing should get off it's high horse in defense 
> > of sexist attacks on women until they apologize to Hillary 
> > for all the sexist crap the dished on her for 15 years. 
> > And the lefties should apologize to both Hillary and Palin. 
> > What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
> >
TurquoiseB wrote: 
> Sorta like the Hillary supporter who cannot
> respond to my challenge to post five things
> that Hillary did wrong in her campaign that 
> were purely *her* fault, and cannot be blamed 
> on others?
I'm not interested in the 'five things that 
Hillary did wrong', Turq, - I'm interested in 
the sexist remarks. It always seems to come
down to sex with you guys. What's wrong with 
you these days?


You just don't get it Turq - none of the women
here want to dialog with you three guys about 
Hillary's political campaign mistakes - the
election is over. You guys didn't vote, so shut 
up about the politics. 
> Raunchy, that decision on your part speaks
> volumes. You're hoping that the challenge
> will "go away" and be forgotten, but it won't.
> I'll keep repeating it until you respond, one
> way or another. 
> If you don't, and continue to harp on the "Oh,
> poor Hillary, victim of sexism" theme, I don't
> see how you can expect anyone here to believe
> anything about you other than that you are
> "monotopical" -- unable to talk about anything
> *except* your victim-mentality obsession with
> both sexism and Hillary.
> YOU are the one who keeps trying to berate 
> do.rflex and others here for not being able 
> to judge Obama in an "unbiased" manner. And
> yet you are *demonstrating* that you are 
> unable to do that with Hillary by ignoring
> my invitation to show your lack of bias with
> regard to her. This is an *opportunity* for
> you, Raunch, and you are pissing it away.
> By posting your list of five mistakes she
> made during her campaign that are purely her
> fault and cannot be blamed on anyone else,
> you would actually demonstrate some semblance
> of "non-bias." By refusing to do so, you 
> demonstrate only bias. By refusing to do so
> and then, only hours later, trying to steer
> the conversation back to your "Hillary was a
> victim of sexism" monotopic, you demonstrate
> *boring* bias.

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