OK, so the word probably doesn't mean much to you,
so why should you worry about them going away. And,
to be honest, even if you knew what a chringuito was,
why should you care? Well...you probably shouldn't.
But that doesn't keep me from sitting in one and
rapping about them.

A chiringuito is a beachside tapas and drinks bar,
traditionally thrown together from scrounged mat-
erials. As it turns out, Sitges has the oldest chirin-
guito in Spain. It's only a block from my house, and
I sit there often, sipping a bubbly water or a beer or
a glass of wine and eating some tapas and watching
the parade of topless tapas walking by.

I kinda *like* the notion of chiringuitos. They started
as an antidote to the anti-life, anti-fun, anti-free-
enterprise fascism of Franco. And now, interestingly
enough, they may be forced to close because of an
(IMO) over-concern about the environment. I hope
it doesn't happen; they are an important part of the
charm of Spain.
A bulldozer with your sangria?
  [80]  <http://www.globalpost.com/bio/cristina-mateo-yanguas> By
Cristina Mateo-Yanguas
<http://www.globalpost.com/bio/cristina-mateo-yanguas>  -
GlobalPostPublished: June 19, 2009  06:55  ET
Updated: June 19, 2009  08:08  ET
ALICANTE, Spain — It's not the grandiose architecture of
Granada's Moorish Alhambra Palace or Seville's Cathedral that is
sparking a full-out defense of a "cultural asset." Nor is it flamenco
dancing or Spanish guitar playing.

Rather, beach bars and restaurants have become the cause celebre.

These chiringuitos — the local lingo for the bars and restaurants
built in the sand — dot the Spanish coast. But Spain's zealous
Ministry of Environment could wipe them out with a new campaign to
enforce coastal protection legislation that has been on the books for
two decades.

Politicians, business owners and citizens, however, are rallying to save
the chiringuito, saying they are part of the appeal of the coastline.

Andalusian politicians called them a "basic ethnographic heritage" when
earlier this year they approved a motion in their regional parliament to
preserve the chiringuitos. The bars are linked to Spanish Mediterranean
gastronomy, traditions, identity and way of life, they said.

Chiringuitos serve drinks, ice cream and food. "If they take away
the chiringuitos, they take away the beach's charm," said Raquel
Miro, enjoying a calamari tapa with her mother and daughter at La
Ponderosa, a restaurant on San Juan beach, Alicante. "Instead of
having lunch at a downtown restaurant, we prefer to eat here, looking at
the sea. It's comfortable and pleasant."

La Ponderosa is one of the restaurants targeted by the ministry for
demolition. There are no private beaches in Spain so authorities grant
land use permits — for a fee — so restaurants can do business.
Permits are valid for a number of years, even decades, but time is up
for many restaurants. Some will have to close; others will be relocated
to the boardwalk. The Coast Law enacted in 1988 imposes strict
conditions for renewals and new permits.

But the sweeping away of one business model has made room for another,
less permanent one on some beaches this summer. In little more than a
white-washed hut occupying 250 square feet, Buddha Alcoy serves beer and
spirits, sodas, ice cream, chips and packaged, pre-cooked meals from 9
a.m. through 3 a.m. The wooden structure with a thatched roof and a few
wooden tables in the sand is unimposing. Sunset brings a shift from
Latino rhythms to chill-out melodies. "We have more people at night
than during the day," owner Renata Forges said. "If there's
a nice moon, this is beautiful, beautiful," she added. Buddha Alcoy
will be dismantled without a trace at summer's end, until the next

It is the concrete restaurants built into the sandy beaches that are in
danger. Many have septic tanks, but waste like cooking oil from frying
fish and making paella still winds up in the sea in some cases. The law
bans permanent construction within 320 feet of the shore and sets a
limit of 1,600 square feet for restaurants — conditions that many
chiringuitos, built years ago, do not meet.

"There's a lot of space here; chiringuitos are not invasive. If
this were a virgin beach, with no buildings, I would understand the need
to demolish the chiringuitos. But look at all those apartments,"
said Miro, pointing to the towering apartment blocks sitting a few yards
from La Ponderosa.

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