> Maharishi's Discovery of Veda Eternally Reverberating in Being
> In unfolding his Vedic ScienceSM, Maharishi has described in
extraordinary detail the profound mechanics by which Being begins to
reverberate within itself in the eternal impulses of the Veda. These
insights have come from Maharishi's direct experience of the
self-interacting dynamics of Being, through which Pure Being expresses
itself in the forms and phenomena of the universe throughout all
eternity of time and space.
> In his Veda LilaSM (play of the Veda), Maharishi has explained that
Being, the unbounded sea of Nature's intelligence, is the field of
unbounded awareness. It is pure wakefulness; it is fully awake within
itself. In its transcendental self-referral state, it knows only itself
and nothing else. Knowing itself only, it is the knower, it is the
process of knowing, and it is also the known—it is all three
itself—it is the togetherness of knower, knowing and known. In the
language of the Veda, the knower is called Rishi, the dynamics of
knowing is Devatā, the known is Chhandas, and the togetherness of
these three is called Samhitā. In this three-in-one reality of the
Samhitā of Rishi, Devatā and Chhandas is the eternal
self-referral structure of the field of Pure Being.
> Through the self-interactions of Rishi, Devatā and Chhandas
within the wholeness of Samhitā, the unbounded field of
consciousness begins to vibrate within itself. It hums within itself in
the Primarodial Sounds of Rk Veda. From the Primarodial Sounds of Rk
Veda and also from the gaps between these sounds, all the Vedic sounds
unfold sequentially within the sea of consciousness. From Veda to
Vedanga, Upanga, Upaveda, Brahmana and Pratishakyas, the Vedic sounds
unfold in precise sequence, each elaborating and commenting upon Rk Veda
and the preceding branches of the Vedic Literature. This unique insight
of Maharishi—that the Vedic Literature is its own commentary—is
called Maharishi's Apaurusheya Bhāshya—the Self-expressed
commentary of the Veda.


>From Nader's book Human Physiology, expression of the Veda, p. 15:

The interaction of forces, even though within the unmanifest, creates a
dissymmetry, as if a distortion, in the flat and homogeneous -- yet
infinitely flexible -- absolute singularity of the Unified Field; the
absolute pure Being, pure existence, remains unmanifest. The virtual
pull and push, rise and fall, vibration and stillness, dymanism and
silence, leads to the formation of structure within the unmanifest.
Structure is the result of the apparent breaking of infinite symmetry.
With all possible interactions always taking place in accordance with
the fundamental forces that uphold them, structure is the result of the
virtual distortion generated by the action of forces.

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