--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> Politico had an article yesterday reporting on the
> terrific job Hillary has been doing as Secretary of
> State, "Hillary Clinton toils in the shadows."

And Politico was not exactly a hotbed of Hillary
fandom during the campaign, to say the least.

I'm going to quote from the beginning of the piece,
because it so thoroughly blows Barry's ugly, arrogant,
*incredibly* ignorant rants about Hillary right back
up his ass whence they came.

Clinton toils in the shadows
By: Ben Smith 
June 23, 2009 04:49 AM EST 
Back last fall, when Barack Obama sprang his
surprise about naming former rival Hillary 
Clinton as his secretary of state, many people 
assumed she would be the Cabinet's brightest 
star — a celebrity at large on the world stage, 
the face of American foreign policy while the 
president was consumed back home by domestic 
issues and a troubled economy. 

Few commentators predicted the reality: an era
of grindstone leadership at the State 

But that's exactly what Clinton has fashioned 
at Foggy Bottom. She has become a disciplined 
loyalist who jostles for White House influence 
just like any Cabinet secretary and who has 
advanced her cause by striking some key 
internal alliances. 

Most surprisingly, she has about as low a news
-making profile as is possible for someone who 
is arguably the most famous woman on the 
planet. When she slipped and broke her elbow 
last week, it was the most press coverage she 
had gotten in months. A Nexis database search 
showed she had fewer mentions last month than 
any time since she launched her presidential 
bid in January 2007. 

It is an arrangement that, by all appearances, 
seems to suit Clinton and the Obama White House 
just fine, even as it has contributed to 
increasing chatter in foreign policy circles 
about her clout. 

By some lights, no one should be surprised by 
the former presidential candidate's latest 
reinvention. It is an encore performance — a 
revival of the same strategy Clinton used when 
arriving to a chamber of skeptical colleagues 
after being elected to the Senate in 2000. Then 
she brushed aside national publicity and 
immersed herself on such issues as regional 
dairy compacts while waiting years for the 
right moment to re-emerge....

In the reporting for this article, an array of 
senior officials got on the line — including 
many who do not ordinarily give interviews or 
do so on background rules — for on-the-record 
singing of her praises. 

"Her star power has been an enormously 
effective tool for us," Tom Donilon, the deputy 
national security adviser with a central role 
in running foreign policy day to day, told 
POLITICO, describing the attention she commands 
abroad and her access to foreign leaders. 

"She's a pretty tough customer in private 
negotiations, as you would imagine, and expects 
partners to behave like partners and expects 
people to do what they say they're going to 

Donilon and other top officials emphasized how 
well she has fit in among the "alpha males" — 
as she put it to one of them, Afghanistan and 
Pakistan envoy Richard Holbrooke — who compose 
the rest of the foreign policy team....

Clinton's strategy for navigating Obama's 
councils of power is a reflection of 
temperament. Hillary Clinton the celebrity has 
always been balanced by — and, in the end, 
usually subordinate to — Clinton the grind, the 
woman with the self-described "responsibility 
gene." Bill Clinton was the politician as jazz 
improvisationalist; she was the linear thinker 
who believed that self-discipline and applied 
intelligence is the answer to most 

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