--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > `The goal of spiritual practice is to build up a large 
> > 'bank  account' of yogic energy so that we can use it 
> > to purify our minds and subtle bodies and burn up our 
> > karma. The more energy we have in the 'bank,' the 
> > greater the evolution we will experience on a spiritual 
> > level.'
> > -Meditation retreat Q&A, Karunamayi in FF
> "The goal of many spiritual teachers is to 
> convince their students that they *need*
> 'purification' and that their minds and 
> subtle bodies are 'impure' and need 'fixing'
> to burn off their 'karma.' The more we can
> convince our students of this, the more they 
> are willing to build up *our* bank accounts 
> paying for the 'purification' methods we 
> sell them. The more money *we* have in the
> bank, the greater the evolution *we* will 
> experience on a financial level."
> - Guru Anyonewhochargesmoneyforhisservicesananda

Om Turqji that is good,

That's been an ongoing lesson with Fairfield

Were all gurus about $ ?   Not really.  Not all. 
Have been a few who have come through 
Fairfield too.   

All through the 1990's have come some
Saints, mostly who have not been about money but spirituality.

When they come around it is always a stark contrast to what we have known by 
habit in TMmovement meetings where the central mode of operation was the pitch 
for money for real estate, herbs, stars, health as the latest modality of 
`knowledge for money'.  Of course, still the unanswered is where all that 
TMmovement money had gone and went.

When people started traveling to see Ammachi or Karunamayi that aspect of open 
handed spirituality was stark in contrast to TM.  One old saint came along who 
you could not give money to at all to help with his spiritual works.

The stunning contrast to what we have known here.  Then too come larger egos 
about enlarging their own.  Is always instructive either way when you see it. 

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