
Next time you snip something from one of my posts, would you please be kind 
enough to put "<snip>" there?

Thank you.

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> >
> > I like a lot of what Chopra says and writes.  And then 
> > there's stuff he is just stupid about.
> > 
> > What i object to about him is his "Dauphin" airs, a 
> > kinda arrogance about him.  
> As I've said before, Chopra was "after my time"
> in the TMO. I've never read any of his books, do
> not expect ever to read any of his books, and 
> have no real feel for him other than articles
> that have been quoted here or published on the
> Web. That said, there does seem to be something
> both attention-seeking *and* stupid about him.
> But what I find more interesting is the enduring
> hatred that long-term TMers seem to aim at him.
> Whatever they claim on the surface, the bottom
> line of it always has struck me as them being
> *jealous* of him for *making* money by parroting
> the same unoriginal, recycled spiritual dogma
> that they had to *pay* money to parrot.
> The average TM teacher or TM camp follower has
> spent thousands to hundreds of thousands of 
> dollars learning and then parroting "knowledge" 
> that Maharishi himself (as far as I can tell) 
> was doing nothing more than parroting from other 
> sources. Chopra's main "sin" seems to be that he 
> figured this out and decided to cut out the middle 
> man and keep the parrot-money for himself.

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