--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> off_world_beings wrote:
> >
> >
> > >From Runner's and Triathlete's Web News Runner's and Triathlete's
> > News :
> >
> > by By Owen Anderson, Ph. D.
> >
> > ""Many meat-eating athletes wonder whether a switch to a vegetarian
> > might provide a performance boost, and there are logical reasons for
> > such thinking. First, vegetarian diets tend to be high-carbohydrate
> > regimens, which should lead to optimal glycogen storage in muscles.
> > the lofty intensities required for high-level training and serious
> > competition, carbohydrate is the primary source of energy; when
> > muscle-carbohydrate (glycogen) levels are too low, athletes
> > fatigue and tend to perform poorly (1). Thus, a vegetarian diet may
> > function as an "insurance policy" against insipid intramuscular
> > carbohydrate storage and underachievement in races. "
> Turns them into vata types. >.

Bullshit. Meat eating turns THEM into KAPHA types. Its only BECAUSE the
meat eaters are so slow and BOVINE ... that they cannot  keep up and
they think everyone else is VATA, when in actaul fact , everyone else is
normal. The meat eaters are DUMB meat heads. Granted some bovine milk
may be good for SOME of the vegetarians -- but meat is for meatheads.


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