--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > Only Lynch.
> >  
> > "But how do you prove that all of this stuff actually exists?"
> > 
> > "Here's the deal. No one will ever prove anything like this because it's a
> > subjective experience. Maybe I'll tell you this story. I won't say the name
> > of the person involved - it is a great name but anyway. Well, the name is
> > Dick. I'll just call him Dick. Well Dick was like real mature. He was in the
> > sixth grade and he almost got a beard he was so mature. Anyway, this other
> > kid told me that Dick was in the men's room with a hard on and was rubbing
> > his penis and that white stuff came out the end of his penis. This was told
> > to me. And I said, 'You've gotta be kiddin' me! You've gotta be kiddin' me!
> > What kind of a story is this? That's impossible. Is there something wrong
> > with him, maybe? What is the deal? But at the same time there was some faint
> > glimmer of knowing the truth of it. It didn't make any sense, but there was
> > some faint glimmer that this was something that I knew about or that was
> > truthful. So I tried this, and I could not BELIEVE that it was true, but it
> > was."
> > 
> > "That's why I say that meditation is the same kind of thing as sex in a way.
> > It is completely real, but it has to do with you. It's not a thing that can
> > be told to you in a way that will prove it. You might say, 'I don't believe
> > this and I don't want it.' But with every human being there becomes a point
> > when you become a seeker, and you say 'something else is out there that's
> > bigger. It's like a mystery and I know it's there' and then maybe you hear
> > something about meditation and you say 'I've got to have that.' So then you
> > go on the spiritual path. Many people hear it but they don't hear it."
> > (italics in orig.) - Lynch on Lynch (revised edition), edited by Chris
> > Rodley, Faber and Faber, 2005
> >  <http://bbg-aura.gaia.com/photos/52/515065/large/David_Lynch.jpg>
> > <http://bbg-aura.gaia.com/photos/52/515065/large/David_Lynch.jpg>
> >
> Rick, This story is a hoot! Geez, I can only imagine giving an intro lecture 
> and using the Dick and the white stuff analogy instead of my old standby 
> comparing the subjective experience of TM to tasting a strawberry. Anyway, 
> I'll give Lynch points for creativity and extra points for chutzpah if he 
> said it with a straight face.

If you've seen his movies you'll know that he said it with a straight face.

This is the risk the TMO has taken and takes with using celebrities to push TM. 
 Artistes are, by nature, erratic and prone to saying stuff like this.  I 
suppose, though, that after beatleslennonmiafarrowsex that this is pretty tame 

And I guess Lynch is so nutjob out there artiste that he can say anything and 
people consider it amusingly excentric.  I think back to when Lynch shared the 
stage and introduced that Rajah back in Germany that morphed into the infamous 
"invincibility for Germany" video.  Lynch never really received much of the 
negativity for that; he was quite the teflon TM spokesman in that sense.

Keep in mind that Lynch's most "normal" film was "Elephant Man."

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