No matter what Sarah or Hillary does the media and bloggers will "make
stuff up."  The Confluence nails it:

"The haunted vagina explanation makes as much sense as any I've
heard and would excuse some of the deplorable behavior of formerly
esteemed lefty bloggers.

As for what I think about yesterday's shocking announcement I have
to say I don't know what to think.  By the rules of conventional
wisdom Sarah Palin has thrown away her credibility and ended her
political career.

But when you have a haunted vagina the rules of conventional wisdom
don't apply to you."
The Haunted Vagina
Posted on July 4, 2009 by myiq2xu

I think Sarah Palin's vagina is haunted.  It is possessed by
insanity-inducing evil spirits that cause mass hysteria at the mere
mention of her name.  These vaginal demons can turn feminists
into lying
kes-again/>  misogynists
<>  and make a gay
ivan-oby-gyn.html>  obsess about nasty lady parts.  They can induce the
pimping of speculative rumors
<>  by a criminal
defense attorney and even cause sanctimonious critics of
"truthiness" to invite
m_armageddon_and_book_bans#comment-113875>  the publishing of stories
like these <>  on their
pristine blogs.

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> Actually, the context here was *sexist* media
> coverage. See a fuller transcript here:
> Note the first part of the question she was asked--
> carefully omitted from this video--and the follow-
> up question that also isn't on the video.
> "Tough media coverage" as a characterization of what
> she was talking about is deliberately deceptive.
> --- In, "do.rflex" do.rflex@ wrote:
> >
> > THEN:
> >
> > Sarah Palin says Hillary Clinton shouldn't whine about
> > tough media coverage
> >
> > Watch video:
> Palin isn't complaining about sexist coverage in
> her lawyer's statement. She's saying the media have
> lied about there being a criminal investigation into
> her activities, a much more serious matter:
> > NOW:
> >
> > Palin threatens defamation suits against Huffpo,
> > Washington Post, the NY Times and MSNBC for discussing
> > claims that Palin's resignation is tied to
> > investigations of the Wasilla Sports Complex
> >
> >
> So the hypocrisy charge here is entirely bogus.
> Maybe you can come up with some complaint about
> sexism that Palin made at some point, but she
> didn't do so in her lawyer's statement.
> The irony is that Hillary *didn't* complain about
> sexist media coverage. The notion that she did was
> a fabrication of the lefty blogs *and* the media.
> If you're going to attack Palin for what she said in
> this video, it should be for not paying close enough
> attention to what Hillary *was* saying and for simply
> accepting what the blogs and media said about her.
> Again, Palin's actual behavior and politics provide
> way, way more than enough basis for criticism and
> even mockery; there's no need to *make stuff up*.

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