Robert wrote:
> --- In, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>> Good, then Single Payer should be no problem.
>> Single payer shouldn't really be a problem from the viewpoint of the 
>> insurance companies...they'll just go into another facet of the insurance 
>> industry.
>> (snip)
> I don't understand why this is so complicated, for Americans...
> You either have a for profit system, or a non-profit system...
> We have seen, that the for profit system, doesn't work, is inefficient, and 
> creates inequality and waste...
> With a non-profit system, the drug companies, the doctors, the whole industry 
> itself, will need to get more efficient...
> Since this Reagan Republican idea, that government can't do anything right, 
> was actualized by son of Reagan, George W. Bush...
> The government has attempted to privatize everything, to make that extra 
> buck...
> >From Haliburton, to the Health Care Business, much of the money, ends up 
> >where the Bush crime family is located, Dallas, Texas...
> And BTW, what was 'Poppy' Bush, doing in Dallas, working for the Cia, the day 
> JFK, was assasinated?
> How come the hostages were released the day Reagan was sworn in?
> Some kind of behind the scenes deal, with the Iranians?
> The Drug companies are a big part of this also, as well as the illegal drug 
> business, where the Cia, gets there extra funds, that don't need to go 
> through congress...
> They just overthrew the government of Honduras, in case anyone might have 
> noticed...
> Wow, a lot of purification, needed here, folks...
> These people have been screwing us, for the longest time!
> R.G.
People were too busy over Michael Jackson to notice Honduras.   Anything 
to distract the public.   Of course those who make money off health care 
don't want to see single payer,  We need to expose them as they do.  
Let's up the ante.

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