"In the aftermath of her decision to drop out and cash in, 
Palin's standing in the G.O.P. actually rose in the 
USA Today/Gallup poll. No less than 71 percent of Republicans 
said they would vote for her for president." 

NOTE: Only 23% of Americans identify themselves as Republican Republican

It's more likely that she will never get anywhere near the White House, and not 
just because of her own limitations. The Palinist "real America" is 
demographically doomed to keep shrinking. 

But the emotion it represents is disproportionately powerful for its numbers. 
It's an anger that Palin enjoyed stoking during her "palling around with 
terrorists" crusade against Obama on the campaign trail. It's an anger that's 
curdled into self-martyrdom since Inauguration Day.

Its voice can be found in the postings at a Web site maintained by the fans of 
Mark Levin, the Obama hater who is, at this writing, the No.2 best-selling 
hardcover nonfiction writer in America. (Glenn Beck is No.1 in paperback 

Politico surveyed them last week. "Bottomline, do you know of any way we can 
remove these idiots before this country goes down the crapper?" wrote one Levin 
fan. "I WILL HELP!!! Should I buy a gun?" 

Another called for a new American revolution, promising "there will be blood."

These are the cries of a constituency that feels disenfranchised — by the 
powerful and the well-educated who gamed the housing bubble, by a news media it 
keeps being told is hateful, by the immigrants who have taken some of their 
jobs, by the African-American who has ended a white monopoly on the White 

Palin is their born avatar. She puts a happy, sexy face on ugly emotions, and 
she can solidify her followers' hold on a G.O.P. that has no leaders with the 
guts or alternative vision to stand up to them or to her.

Full article: She Broke the G.O.P. and Now She Owns It - by Frank Rich

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