> For the record, HHDL has explicitly stated: if you find that a guru is  
> not living up to what he preaches or expects of others: sexual  
> affairs, business improprieties, lineal perversions, etc.: these need  
> to be made known AND public.
> (snip)
> There will alway be real spiritual teachers, the phonies or poseurs  
> and those that lie in between.
> People deserve to know 'who is who'.
So, if someone finds, that His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, was not for 
them, why wouldn't they just move on?

If they found another spiritual teacher, such as the Dalai Lama, why would they 
spend, so much time, focusing on His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?

When someone became as well known as Maharishi became, I am sure there will 
always be rumors and innuendos, surrounding their success...

There is always those who are tremendously jealous of the success of another....

I wonder, how many people Dalai Lama, has been able to raise to the level of 
enlightenment, when he himself, is adamant that he is 'not enlightened'...which 
I heard him say, and which I observed when I was in his presence...

The Buddhist Religion, is based on dogma, as much as the 'Christian Religion, 
or the Muslim Religion...it's just one more dogmatic religion, for the masses, 
to basically keep them ignorant and superficial...

I attended the Buddhist Retreat near Madison, where the Dalai Lama visits, and 
was not impressed with the teaching there...it felt exactly the same, as a 
Christian Church...rigid and stifling.
They get dressed up in strange suits, beads, the whole 9 yards...same as in 
Christianity...foolish people!
Buddha never would go along with this stuff, just as Jesus would find these 
Christian Churches, laughable...

Why is Vaj, so obsessed with the life and teachings of His Holiness Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi?

Just wonderin'...


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