mainstream20016 wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> I hope Eric Holder goes for it.  Nothing I would love to see better than 
>> Cheney to get his just due.  However there is the meme being circulated 
>> that "we need to move on" and that the country has to many problems to 
>> spend time on this.  I disagree and indeed it is possible that the CIA 
>> itself could be circulating that meme.  Definitely the Republicans would 
>> be suspect too.  I think we can have an investigation and work on the 
>> nations problems at the same time.  But there are those who fear that it 
>> will dig up the buried bodies and they'll be indicted.  I say good and 
>> time for their karma to catch up.
> I suspect Obama encouraged Holder to proceed.  The administration must demand 
> accountability, and prosecution of Cheney and his cohorts will bring great 
> benefit to resolving the injustice of the past and as a caution to future 
> arrogant U.S. leaders.  
Actually Obama was opposed to it but then he wanted to give his AG free 
reign and that's what he got.  ;-)

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