> The article is about the SS -- der Schutzstaffel -- in Germany.
> Interesting parallels, eh? But it's probably just a coincidence...
No it's not a coincidence. It's a well known and well studied phenomena which 
is a form of "groupthink", look it up. You'll find that kind of thing 
manifesting in different forms in many places and many periods of history. The 
only thing that makes it very odd is that TM is supposed to counteract all the 
nastiness which goes along with that mode of thinking. Well it does to some 
extent, but not enough to make the TMO palatable. The kind of belief system 
that tells people that "unbelievers must be dealt with directly" (see other 
posts on this forum)  has always been the source of misery. 

If people feel like that then I recommend watching "Life of Brian" as an 


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