Whatever is forced upon the people by congress , should be forced upon congress 
and the rest of federal employees, no exceptions, no supplementary insurance 
plans. What you sow, so shall ye reap.

--- On Mon, 7/20/09, WillyTex <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

From: WillyTex <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] This is just outrageous!
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 4:04 PM


Barak Obama failed to stimulate the U.S. 
economy and bring back the jobs - that's 
the bottom line. It's not a very good 
idea to spend more good money after bad. 
Americans want a health care system that's 
at least as good as our congressional 
leaders get.

http://www.healthtr ansformation. net/cs/goodenoug hforcongress 

We've got what, 65,000 U.S. troops 
stationed in Afghanistan, and more on 
the way. What happened to Obama's 
promise to bring all the troops home? 

Under Obama, we've got trillions of dollars 
in bills to pay, we're losing the war, 
and now the Dems want to jack up the cost 
of our medical care. Have you ever seen
a program that the government could

This is just outrageous! 

It's time to vote, three years early - kick 
the bums out and let's get back to the 
business of making America safer. I'm sick 
and tired of the promises and the rhetoric.

Maybe it's time to bring Hillary and Bill
back - they seem to know a lot about our
health care systems and how to improve it.

Bill knows how to target our enemies and
Hillary knows a thing or two about winning 
wars. Obama was a big mistake - he's all
hat and no cattle.

"...it appears Democratic leaders will 
stubbornly try to ram through this bill 
before Congress leaves for the August 
break with little debate or discussion, 
even as many rank-and-file Democrats 
express serious concerns about what a 
costly government-run plan would mean 
for families and small businesses.  

It's time for Democrats to scrap their 
government takeover of health care and 
work with Republicans on a plan that 
gives more Americans access to 
affordable coverage."

Read more:

'Dems' health plan will increase costs for families, 
small businesses'
Yahoo! Newsroom, Op-Ed, July 20, 2009
http://tinyurl. com/l7odss  


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