ar eclipse shrouds Asia in darkness after dawn
By INDRAJIT KUMAR SINGH (AP) – 28 minutes ago
TAREGNA, India — The longest solar eclipse of the 21st century pitched a swath 
of Asia into near-darkness after dawn, as millions watched the 
once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon Wednesday. A woman was killed in a stampede at 
the Ganges river in India, where devout Hindus had gathered for the eclipse.
Millions of others, gripped by fear, shuttered themselves indoors. India 
abounds in superstitions and fables based on Hindu mythology, one of which says 
an eclipse is caused when a dragon-demon swallows the sun, while another myth 
is that sun rays during an eclipse can harm unborn children.
Thick cloud cover over India and China obscured the sun when the eclipse began 
at dawn. But the clouds parted in several Indian cities minutes before the 
total eclipse took place at 6:24 a.m. (0054 GMT; 8:54 p.m. EDT) before moving 
to Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China.
The eclipse — caused when the moon moves directly between the sun and the 
earth, covering it completely to cast a shadow on earth — lasted almost 4 
minutes in India. In some parts of Asia it lasted as long as 6 minutes and 39 
In Beijing, a thick blanket of grayish smog blotted out the sky and virtually 
obscured all high-rises in the downtown area of the Chinese capital.
In coastal Shanghai, eclipse watchers were disappointed by a light drizzle in 
the morning. Dozens of people had gathered at one hotel rooftop with telescopes 
and special glasses.
But as the sky darkened fully for about five minutes, watchers became excited 
Holding a big green umbrella and wearing special glasses, Song Chun Yun was 
prepared to celebrate the occasion in a new white dress.
"Although the rain came, I don't want to screw up the mood. I want to enjoy the 
special day," she said before dancing and singing in the rain with her two 
sisters. "I don't want to wait until the next 300 years to see this again."
In Bangladesh too, people came out in droves.
"It's a rare moment, I never thought I would see this in my life," said 
Abdullah Sayeed, a college student who traveled to Panchagarh town from the 
capital Dhaka to view it.
He said cars in the town needed to use headlights as "night darkness has fallen 
suddenly." People hugged each other and some blew whistles when the eclipse 
began, he said.
One of the best views, shown live on several television channels, appeared to 
be in the Indian town of Varanasi, on the banks of the Ganges river, sacred to 
devout Hindus.
Thousands of Hindus took a dip in keeping with the ancient belief that bathing 
in the river at Varanasi, especially on special occasions, cleanses one's sins. 
The eclipse was seen there for 3 minutes and 48 seconds.
But the gathering was marred by tragedy when a 65-year-old woman was killed and 
six people injured in a stampede at one of the river's banks where about 2,500 
people had gathered, said police spokesman Surendra Srivastava.
He said it is not clear how the stampede started.
The eclipse — visible only in Asia — is the longest such eclipse since July 11, 
1991, when a total eclipse lasting 6 minutes, 53 seconds was visible from 
Hawaii to South America. There will not be a longer eclipse than Wednesday's 
until 2132.
A 10-member team of scientists from the premier Indian Institute of 
Astrophysics in Bangalore and the Indian air force filmed the eclipse from an 
Scientists had said the Indian village of Taregna would have the clearest view, 
where thousands of scientists, nature enthusiasts and students gathered a day 
in advance.
But thick clouds and overnight rains provided no spectacle, just a cloudy 
"It was still a unique experience with morning turning into night for more than 
three minutes," said Amitabh Pande, a scientist with India's Science 
Popularization Association of Communicators and Educators, in Taregna.
Still, the rain was welcomed by many in this agricultural area which has seen 
scant rainfall this monsoon season.
"It would have been nice to see the solar eclipse but the rain is far more 
important for us," said Ram Naresh Yadav, a farmer.
Millions across India shunned the sight and stayed indoors.
Even in regions where the eclipse was not visible, pregnant women were advised 
to stay behind curtains over a belief that the sun's invisible rays would harm 
the fetus and the baby would be born with disfigurations, birthmarks or a 
congenital defect.
"My mother and aunts have called and told me stay in a darkened room with the 
curtains closed, lie in bed and chant prayers," said Krati Jain, 24, who is 
expecting her first child, said in New Delhi.
In the northern Indian state of Punjab, authorities ordered schools to begin an 
hour late to prevent children from venturing out and gazing at the sun.
Others saw a business opportunity: one travel agency in India scheduled a 
charter flight to watch the eclipse by air, with seats facing the sun selling 
at a premium.
At a Buddhist temple in the Thai capital Bangkok, dozens of monks led a mass 
prayer at a Buddhist temple to ward off what they said would be ill effects of 
a solar eclipse.
"The eclipse is bad omen for the country," said Pinyo Pongjaroen, a prominent 
astrologer. "We are praying to boost the fortune of the country."
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