--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
<bill.hicks.all.a.r...@...> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 4:54 PM, scienceofabundance
> >
> > Well, all I can say is that many of these programs were known 
> > only to an inner circle, and obviously you only picked up on 
> > some of the mere appearance of homophobia in the TMO.
> If you aren't aware, many women (at least the one's I've 
> known, in a Biblical sense) hate gays and spew their venom 
> in the presence of the guy they're dating. I've wondered 
> where the hate comes from.  Competition?
> Does a straight woman actually believe that if she weren't 
> around her date would be hunting down gay guys for sex and 
> companionship?

Assuming that what you say is actually true, and
you're not just having another psychotic episode,
I have to assume that the women you encountered
were using their "gaydar" and picking up on signals
from you and then seeing whether you'd overreact to
such language. As someone who has been (somewhat
correctly) described here as a pussy hound, and
thus who has spent far too much time around women, 
I have never heard a single woman -- in the TMO or
outside it -- rag on gay men. Ever.

Then again, I could be completely wrong about this
w.r.t. the "latter-day TMO" because of the dates 
of my TM experience. I bailed on the TMO back in 
1978 or so, when it became obvious that it was 
turning into something I no longer wished to be 
part of. Part *of* that "something else" was an 
increase in nosiness and sexual prudery and 

The tales told last night of Cobb Mountain certainly 
don't strike a resonance with me, but that's possibly 
because I was last there in 1976 or so. At that time, 
on a large ATR course, it was really a fun place in
many respects, including sexually, but almost entirely 
heterosexually. I would estimate that pretty much 
everyone on the course (none of us married in those 
days) who felt like getting laid did so, as often as 
we wanted. I know I sure did. 

Perhaps the attitudes you describe in TMO women above
are the result of all the men who actually liked sex
and weren't about to be intimidated into not having it
LEAVING the TMO and being replaced with male "role 
models" like the pasty-faced, pencil-necked-geeks who
later joined Purushaback Mountain and became Rajas in
sexless marriages. :-)

I know that it was definitely a topic of conversation
in the L.A. Center during the mid-70s among the women.
Even after I left the TMO, for a few years I was still 
dating women who were On The Program TMers and TM 
teachers. One of the reasons was that they were attrac-
tive and nice people, of course. But another reason 
was that they were so GRATEFUL to find a guy whom they
could meditate with and then get it on with. They felt
that they could no longer do that within the confines
of the TMO. So for the women I was going out with, it 
was either "Date non-meditators for the sex and hope
that we can convert them to meditating" or "Date Off
The Program ex-TM teachers for the sex and hope that
someday they'll see the error of their ways and come
running back to the Highest Path." The "hope" clause
of neither approach never seemed to work out for them,
but at least they were able to get their rocks off 
from time to time. The ones who tried to stay within
the confines of the TMO never did.

Gay sex, straight sex...that's not the issue. The 
issue as I see it is that the TMO, being a reflection 
of one man (Maharishi) and his not-terribly-realistic-
and-horribly-conflicted-notions about sex, was afraid 
of sex, period. At least sex "out in the open." The 
TMO model when I left the organization was already 
starting to shift towards "Don't ask, don't tell,"
with people still *having* sex, but being terrified 
of doing so openly. 

Call me unevolved, but I much preferred the earlier 
days, in which Maharishi's conflicted notions about 
sex hadn't yet become the "standard." 

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