By an overwhelming margin, Canadians prefer the Canadian health care system to 
the American one.

Overall, 82% said they preferred the Canadian system, fully ten times the 
number who said the American system is superior (8%). 

Once again this was the prevailing viewpoint across all demographic groups 
nationwide, with resistance being highest once again in Quebec. Where 
one-in-five (19%) said they preferred the American system.

Canadians Want Their Health Care to be Even More Socialized 

Considering both cost and patient care factors, a majority of Canadians (55%) 
think that the health system should be more public, and only 12% think that 
more of the health system should be private. One in four (27%) believe that the 
current system strikes the right balance between publicly funded and 
pay-per-use care.

--According to Harris Decima Senior Vice-President Jeff Walker; 

"Perhaps contrary to impressions in the media, most Canadians believe that on 
balance our health care system works well, and is far superior to the US model 
of health treatment. 

There is little appetite for a further privatization of Canada's health care 

-- Full Harris/Decima Poll here (pdf):

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