By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we move thru this year, the weight of our do’s and don’ts seem to
get heavier, denser and more solid than anytime in the past.  They
gather around and cement themselves at our feet, creating an immovable
sinking feeling.

Our intentions chomp at the bit, our soul gives us the green light,
but our human little self-stands tall and still.  We sink deeper and
deeper into despair and dis-repair, as we beat ourselves with the
proverbial wet noodle.  We spend vast amounts of energy disagreeing
with ourselves, our shoulds, and our suppose to's.

Trying to tame what seems to be the wild beast of indecision, the
monster that holds us back, always blocking our way into happiness,
into love, and into abundance.  With the amount of energy that we
spend on arguing with ourselves, we could build malls, erect towers,
sculpt obelisks, and maybe even a great pyramid or two.

Yet still we stand still, as we sink deeper in the quicksand of
immobility, into the quagmire of non-action.  We continually sabotage
our dreams our desires, our future, in an effort to save the
rainforests of the old self.  We hold tight to that which once served
us.  Numbing our ability to move into the new, the shinier, and the
bright future of our dreams.  Why are we afraid to move forward?  Why
are we afraid to take action, to act on?

Everyone on earth is feeling the transformation.  We all know that
there is no staying in the comfort zone, the null and void zone.  We
know it is time to get up off the benches of the old self of the past
and move into the playing field of the new, the now.  Yet when it
comes our turn to bat, we freeze.  Frozen still in all of the
possibilities, the new doorways the wonders of our future.  Embracing
our ‘Popsicle consciousness’.  Like Frosty the snowman, waiting
fearfully for spring, knowing the change is inevitable.  Frosty could
move into a pattern that assisted this change, but chooses not to.

Humanity is destined and designed to change and for change.  Like
water, we each have the potential to experience many forms.  We have
our liquid days, our solid days, our vaporous days, and our evaporated
days.  We can be as an iceberg, a stream, a cloud, a raindrop, mist,
or an ocean.  We are 90% water.  We ebb and flow with every new
thought, every sunrise, and every storm, every eclipse.  Yet year
after year, we yearn to stay still, stay stuck, stay constant and in
our comfort zone.  The only true constant that we really have is the
fact that we will always shift and change!

Understand that the restlessness and yearning within you are
promptings and pushings from the Universe (aka God).  Gentle reminders
it is time to let go, it is time to go and it is time to change.
Resistance is no longer fertile.  Nothing can grow in your
resistance.  Embrace the word ‘Action” (I act on).  You are not moving
into a future that is less than; change always walks hand and hand
with the energy of ‘more.’ You can be nothing less, but you can always
(all ways) be more.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


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