From superb, fresh Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture produce, the best I've ever had! Good variety. Fifteen weeks worth of full boxes $30/week, half boxes $15, paid up front. Weekly pickups on Thursdays. The full boxes have been a wonderful value I share with two friends, so my cost is $10/week!

Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 09:32:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dean Goodale <>
Subject: CSA
X-MagicMail-UUID: 7bb46f58-77a6-11de-bdf4-00065bf16b23

Dear CSA mambers,

Today is the last delivery for the spring/summer share. The Summer/fall 15 week block begins next week. Those of you with half shares that wish to continue need to go to <> and sign up for the fall share.

In addition to the veggies this week we added some of our farmstead, fresh goat cheese as an added treat. We make it here at the farm with milk from our Nubian goats.

Unfortunately we did not have enough melons to send out to the half shares this week. We just had too small a section to produce enough. The outdoor crop is much larger and in several weeks should produce enough for everyone.

We also had our first experience harvesting honey here at the farm. We have only 2 hives and only one was ready to harvest, the other was filled with a swarm we captured 3 weeks ago and is building nicely. Next year I want to expand our beekeeing and offer honey in the csa. By the way, the bees collect pollen from all over our organic farm and we supply them with thousands of flowers from our family gardens as well as the greenhouse crops and the flowers from over 20 fruit trees and several acres of clover as well as wild flowers. The honey is light, sweet and delicious.

I also wanted to review how things went with the csa from the perspective of the farm. The June rains took out a lot of crops. We lost a lot of broccoli, caulifllower, lettuce and other greens that would have added to the diversity of the boxes. The rains also delayed the planting of winter squashes and other crops and drowned our first 2 planting of sweet corn. We have 2 later plantings of sweet corn that will come in September. We felt a bit of a pinch that we couldn't offer more variety. We will take the lessons and the feedback and improve the CSA in the comming years. We will work on getting more variety and really focus on some of the more fun to grow crops that nearly everyone loves like melons and berries and sweet corn as well as the more popular veggies like broccoli, lettuce, spinach, carrots... This fall we will have a lot of these items also. Overall I think we did a good job providing a a pretty good variety, a good value and offered our members the freshest produce available without growing it yourself.

I hope you all enjoyed the first 15 weeks and will continue to be part of our ever improving and growing CSA.

Feel free to spread the word to friends and neighbors that our fall share is starting. We also got a lot of very positive feedback on the idea of a winter csa and will definitely be going ahead with that this winter. Thank you all for supporting community supported agriculture in Maharishi Vedic CIty.

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