The Value of a Human Birth and the Importance of Right Action

Do good works without hesitation. The Jiva has been experiencing samsara for 
many, many births. It is only natural, therefore, that its tendencies have 
become worldly. To turn its tendencies toward Paramatman and away from samsara 
requires some effort. In reality, the aim of life is to stop the mind from 
involvement with this world. If one engages in spiritual practice and in 
thinking and speaking about God, the mind will start dwelling on Him and after 
some time it will withdraw from the world on its own.

In our daily affairs we should adopt a strategy of quickly attending to good 
works and things related to the Divine. Should any wrong thought arise, on the 
other hand, we should try to postpone it to another time by saying, "I'll do it 
tomorrow, or the day after next." In this way, wrong action can be continuously 

To be born a human is more fortunate than to be born a deva (angel or Divine 
being). Taking birth as a deva is considered comparable to taking birth as any 
other life form. Birth as a deva is attained by those who perform certain 
sacrifices and karma, etc. associated with divinity, with the intention to 
enjoy divine pleasures. The minds of the devas wander incessantly because of 
the abundance of enjoyable things in the heavenly realms, and hence they cannot 
perform purushartha (Divine action - action in accord with the cosmic evolution 
and individual destiny). For this reason, the human birth is considered 
superior, because here, by doing as much purushartha as possible, one can 
eventually merge with God.

A human being is like a lump of pure gold, whereas devas are like pieces of 
fine jewelry. Having been perfected as jewelry, their progress is complete, and 
they cannot be further improved. On the other hand, gold which has not yet been 
crafted by the jeweler, has unlimited potential. Hence the birth of a human 
being is said to be the very best birth for action.

Having attained this birth, one should not act carelessly, but should 
conscientiously perform the best purushartha. Fulfilling one's own dharma while 
keeping faith in Paramatman is the greatest purushartha. Strive to become one 
with God in this lifetime. Have firm faith in the Vedas and Shastras (Vedic 
scripture) and keep the company of saints, mahatmas and wise people. Only then 
will the purpose of your life be fulfilled.

To get a human body is a rare thing—make full use of it. There are four million 
kinds of births which a soul can gather. After that one gets a human body. 
Therefore, one should not waste this opportunity. Every second in human life is 
very valuable. If you don't value this, then you will have nothing in hand and 
you will weep in the end.

Because you're human, God has given you power to think and decide what is good 
and bad. Therefore, you can do the best possible kind of action. You should 
never consider yourself weak or a fallen creature. Whatever may have happened 
up to now may be because you didn't know. But now be careful. After gaining a 
human body, if you don't reach God, then you have sold a diamond at the price 
of spinach.

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