Excessive profits, Mike.   Talk to a doctor.  They often have to hire 
someone just to keep up with the health insurance company stuff.  That 
eats into their profits OR is more likely passed along to you.   Health 
care should be a right and not a privilege.  So what ever it takes to be 
sure that right is assured must be done.

Mike Dixon wrote:
> Bhairitu, you don't want anybody to make a profit in the healthcare industry? 
> Why go through all those years of training if you're going to be paid like a 
> truck driver?
> --- On Mon, 8/3/09, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> From: Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The man speak with forked tongue! Listen....
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 7:11 PM
> shempmcgurk wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@ ...> wrote:
>>> The latest polls I saw last week show 3/4 of the American people are at 
>>> least satisfied with their current health insurance.If you don't like 
>>> yours, you can go to another insurance plan. The only *rationing* I've 
>>> heard of is for cosmetic procedures and experimental treatments. Once 
>>> Government controls the industry, you'll have no choice. Obama and the 
>>> Democrats are going to screw it up for the 3/4's who are content, to insure 
>>> 10-20 million illegals,7-12 million who could afford to buy their own 
>>> insurance but would rather not and the rest that either fell through the 
>>> cracks or are just total losers. At least the Republicans are offering 
>>> change that will lessen the cost and increase competition.
>> Fuck the Republicans, Mike.
>> If they were truly for competition, they would support eliminating the 
>> monopolistic strangle-hold the AMA has on healthcare in this country.
> So you are finally waking up? Yes the AMA has a stranglehold on health 
> care. They are buddies with big pharma too who want profit driven 
> health care. You and I know the benefits of alternative care but the 
> medical establishment wants to bury it. This goes back to when the 
> Brits ruled India and British doctors returned to England with cool 
> things they had picked up from the ayurvedic doctors. The magistrates 
> then forbid British doctors in India to hobnob with the vaidyas. The 
> corruption of medicine for profit has been centuries in existence.

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