On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:06 PM, WillyTex<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Vaj wrote:
>> Five Right-wing lies meant to scare the ignorant:
> Don't you just hate those right-wing liars?
> How can the Obama administration remake one-sixth of
> the economy if it can't even handle a used-car program?
> A billion-dollar program that was supposed to last till
> November, ran out of money in five days? This is just
> outrageous!
> No wonder more  Americans are opposed to Cash for
> Clunkers and Federal Government Health Care Programs.

So we follow the Cherman model, ya?  The Chermans allocated USD 7 MMM
for their cash for clunkers program (CFC was the first real stimulus
program we've had in ages), not only does the Cherman Post Office
deliver mail overnight anywhere in Chermany and think nothing of it,
it also is something like a bank, making transfers to/from
customers/utilities/tenants/landlords and the like.  Plus the Cherman
health care system is prime.  Excellent public transit, fine cars and
fast freeways.

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