From: []
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:34 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Women at Risk"
 Herbert obviously has a gun-control agenda and that's all very well and
good. But, hey, Timothy McVeigh had a great hatred for the U.S. Government
and he didn't use ANY guns in expressing that hatred....all he needed was
some fertilizer...and hundreds died.

Guns are really beside the point. 
Where do you draw the line, Shemp? Automatic weapons? Assault rifles?
Bazookas? Suitcase nukes? The more powerful the weapon, the easier it is to
kill lots of people with it. Laws are meant to restrict individual liberties
to the extent necessary to prevent harm to other individuals. By that
definition, gun laws are too lax.
I assume it's illegal to buy all the components McVeigh used to build his
bomb, or at least it's necessary to show proof of why you need to buy them,
such as blasting caps. Would you agree that certain weapons should be
unobtainable, and/or that ownership of any weapon should require
registration at least as onerous as a driver's license?

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