On Aug 8, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Robert wrote:

This Guru Deva Mantram

Will release one from powerful illusions the serious effects of this Kali-uuahagam...

Very powerful...done in a few minute verses
effortlessly, as the same as you would think,
Any other thought...
Now, close the eyes, don't mind the time
...just a few repeatings is enough!

Shr Shr Jai Guruam Devam Namah Om...

Shr Shr Jai Maha Kali Jai Namah Om!

Jai Guru Dev!

If I had to come up with a name for a Swami Brahmananda Guru mantra, I think I'd chose something like:

Aum Aieeng Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Bramananda Namaaha

I'd link my visualization, to establish the field of practice, as SBS in front of me, connected to the upper chakras -- light streaming from his upper chakras into mine and then just dissolve into simple mental meditation of mantra at the level of the heart.

Ever try that kind of meditation?

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