What, you mean the government won't pay for
an abortion? This is just outrageous! What
kind of health care reform goes backward
instead of forward? And they want to throw
Grandma under the bus, ration her Oxy, and
cut her Medicare services. 

What happened to the idea of free 'universal 
health care'? You mean the millions of guest 
workers won't be even covered for basic 

And the Pharma got a secret deal so that 
medication costs can never be reduced? If so, 
then I'd say that we need to kill the bill. 

Better step back before the next election, 
because at this rate, Obama is dead in the 
water for a next term. This is August, and 
it's going to get really hot this summer.

"Despite what some protesters said, 'there 
will be no payment of taxpayer funds for 
abortion,' Dingell, 83, told the crowd..."

Read more:

'Tempers flare over health care plan'
By Patricia Anstett and Kathleen Gray
Detroit Free Press, August 7, 2009

'Death Drugs Cause Uproar in Oregon'Death 
Drugs Cause Uproar in Oregon'
By Susan Donaldson James
ABC News, August 6, 2009

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