> > You need to get used to the facts, John. It is
> > a fact that SOMEBODY will decide when to pull
> > the plug on your Grandmother.
> >
Judy wrote:
> Yes, indeedy: *She* will, in an Advance Directive
> or Living Will that she'll decide on beforehand.
> Which (as you know) has nothing to do with Sarah
> Palin's "death panel." There will be no such
> panel. She was lying.
You're going to have to do better than call us
liars and Nazis, Toots. You're not going to win
a debate by interjecting your personal politics 
into the health care debate - it won't work that 
way anymore.

There already is a panel that decides your health 
care, and who lives or who dies, it's called 
government Medicare. I believe Sarah Palin has hit 
the nail on the head. From what I have read and 
heard, Obama's Health care 'reform' will inevitably 
mean rationed care. 

Which will mean that someone or a group will decide 
who is eligible. There's always going to be a
panel - always going to be a government that 
decides, if it is a government run health care
system. There is now, there always will be a limit
to how long Granny can stay in the hospital if
she is on Medicare.

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