US Healthcare has been Socialist for decades. But the right-wing thinks
it is private.

US government is among the top ten highest spenders among UN countries.
THAT is why the US system survives. Without this government help, more
than half of your PRIVATE hospitals, and charity hospitals, would go
bankrupt. The new direction will make this socialist system in the US
more efficient, and going in a more beneficial direction for all.

Oh...and make no mistake, this bill will pass. The alternative is
bankruptcy for the country.

""Public spending accounts for between 45% and 56.1% of U.S. health care
spending.[41] Per-capita spending on health care by the U.S. government
placed it among the top ten highest spenders among United Nations member
countries in 2004.[42]""

""A 2003 study in Health Affairs estimated that uninsured people in the
U.S. received approximately $35 billion in uncompensated care in
2001.[60]...The study found that various levels of government finance
most uncompensated care, spending about $30.6 billion (in 2001) on
payments and programs to serve the uninsured and covering as much as
80–85 percent of uncompensated care costs through grants and other
direct payments, tax appropriations, and Medicare and Medicaid payment
add-ons. Most of this money comes from the federal government, followed
by state and local tax appropriations for hospitals""\


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