U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton toured an African refugee
camp Tuesday crowded with victims of violence and malnutrition, pledging
$17 million in American aid to help stem the tide of rampant sexual
abuse that has staggered war-ravaged eastern Congo.
This is what a feminist looks like
ooks-like-2/>          Posted on August 11, 2009 by myiq2xu

>From the New York Times
tml> :

Clinton's voice cracked with emotion as she described an epidemic of
rapes that has convulsed the Congo over 10 years of internecine
conflict. "We say to the world that those who attack civilian
populations using systematic rape are guilty of crimes against
humanity," she said.

Clinton toured Magunga Camp, a dust-choked warren of tents and tin-lined
huts in eastern Congo that is home to 18,000 men, women and children.
Most were uprooted from their villages by the on-again, off-again
conflict between Democratic Republic of Congo troops and rebel forces
that killed more than 5 million people since 1998.

"We believe there should be no impunity for the sexual and
gender-based violence committed by so many — that there must be
arrests and prosecutions and punishment," she said during a press
conference with Congolese Foreign Minister Alexis Thambwe Mwamba in the
eastern city of Goma.

The Guardian

Clinton urged university students in the Congolese capital, Kinshasa, to
mount a campaign against such abuses.

"The entire society needs to be speaking out against this," she
said. "It should be a mark of shame anywhere, in any country.

The media, of course, would rather talk about really important stuff,
like what a mad b**ch
<http://riverdaughter.wordpress.com/2009/08/11/cds-never-dies/>  she is.

  [Hillary in Africa] Hillary in Africa 

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