Secret...recently de-classified....

This was President Bill Clinton's pick-u[p] line...

After taking a High School trip to visit President John F. Kennedy...
At the White House, when Bill was only 16...
He was in some political club, and was there on a trip, 
With lot's of other club members, from around the country...

Bill pulled a photographer aside,
And asked him, to snap a picture,
When he shook President Kennedy's hand...
In that now famous picture...

On arriving back home, in his beloved Hot Springs, Arkansas...
He used the phrase...
Hello, how are you?
Would you like to shake the hand of the man who shook President Kennedy's 
Then he would lightly hold her hand, while giving that animal Clinton look...
Like [you are the only girl] in the whole world....
Oh, my...
Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...
Oh, My!



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