In fact, this is the reason he gives (privately) that MMY chose him to be "the  
King" - he always went the extra mile - including the Harvard debacle and the 
example you give below. 
Years ago, someone in ff told me she had heard Tony had eight exalted planets 
in his chart. I have no idea if it is true, but since then thought that could 
be a main reason he was selected. 
"Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Wed, 8/12/09, scienceofabundance <> wrote:

From: scienceofabundance <>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Message to Invincible America from Raja John 
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 8:16 PM

I agree with most of what you say. He was quite determined from way back in 
around 1980 when he appeared on the scene to do whatever MMY asked him and 
more. In fact, this is the reason he gives (privately) that MMY chose him to be 
"the  King" - he always went the extra mile - including the Harvard debacle and 
the example you give below. 

This does not take away from his intellectual ability in my opinion - it is a 
character trait. 

In contrast, Chopra was asked to behave similarly and basically refused seeing 
what he was being asked to become.  

--- In, guyfawkes91 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, scienceofabundance <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I agree with what you say about Hagelin, but Tony Nader is intellectually 
> > very capable.  He has both an MD and PhD from reputable institutions (one 
> > at least, possibly both, from The American University in Beirut, Lebanon 
> > which his is country of origin. 
> > 
> Even very clever and educated people can leave behind their intelligence and 
> education when they get caught up in ideologies. He's passed exams but the 
> only ideas he's had are obvious junk to anyone who knows how to put together 
> a logical argument. 
> His principle skill has been to cultivate favor with MMY and that is an area 
> where he was a genius. Evidence;- he together with David Orme-Johnson were 
> scheduled to speak at a conference on ethno-botany, i.e. medical herbs from a 
> scientists point of view. They were bringing the Ayurvedic point of view and 
> as is normal at these conferences had given the organizers abstracts of their 
> talks in advance. So people were expecting some serious scientists talking 
> intelligently about learning what ancient Indian culture knows about the 
> medical uses of plants. What they got was something completely different. TN 
> and DOJ turned up with a news film crew in tow so there could be a news 
> report on MAV presented at a scientific conference. They ignored their 
> abstracts and instead spoke about TM and the consciousness of plants, dissed 
> everyone connected with the event and left after their allotted lectures 
> without listening to other lectures or socializing with other
 participants. So the net result was strongly negative for the academic 
credibility of MIU (as it was then) and TM and MAV in general. But crucially TN 
had a video tape of himself giving a talk on MAV at a scientific conference 
which he could show to MMY, and report on a "great success, rapturous audience" 
and so on, the kind of thing MMY liked to hear. As far as TN was concerned that 
was the whole point of the exercise, not to spread knowledge and boost the 
standing of MIU, but to boost his own standing with MMY, even at the expense of 
the credibility of MIU. If you listen to TN's talks you'll notice that they're 
full of flattery and information free statements like "this is such beautiful 
knowledge" and not a lot else besides. 
> People who are eager to boost their own standing in the TMO at the expense of 
> the standing of the TMO in wider society should be regarded with deepest 
> suspicion.
> Although John and Tony are both very clever I'd identify the crucial 
> difference as being that John does at least have a clear exit route from 
> insanity. His ideas are open to being falsified and he'd have to change his 
> mind if better evidence came along which refuted unified field theories. 
> Tony's ideas are such a pile of elephant dung they're not even capable of 
> being falsified so his exit route from insanity is less clear. His theories 
> make no predictions, they're just a random collection of co-incidences with 
> no thread of explanation. The only falsification one can make is to point 
> that out, which is blindingly obvious to anyone with an appropriate education 
> but invisible to people in the TMO. His exit route from insanity is more 
> likely to come from a slow realization that dressing up as a king isn't a 
> good way to present the TMO to the public. As the number of people at the 
> court of Vlodrop decreases over the next 10 to 20 years he'll slowly realize
 something is wrong. Whereas John is likely to have to face up to reality when 
the results from CERN come in.


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