--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Also one of the dangers associated with over-reliance on 
> > introspected meditation alone. Without some practice of
> > open-eyed meditation and integration, the subtle dualism
> > created by constantly withdrawing into oneself virtually
> > guarantees a transcend and deny type outcome of some  
> > sort.
> No, it doesn't. Guess you never took SCI, huh?
> SCI 101: Meditate and act, meditate and act. It's
> the alternation that does the integrating.

Geez, Where does Vaj get this stuff? TM is a dangerous "instrospection 
meditation" and it creates subtle dualism that guarantees a transcend and deny 
type of outcome of some sort?" Gibberish. I can't wait for his next installment 
of bullshit about TM when he obviously doesn't know anything it. He keeps 
exposing his ignorance about TM and he's at it again with the same old rag. 
Boring, boring, boring. 

His mindless open-eyed meditation must be weakening his mind. But that's O.K. 
by me. I don't care what type of meditation Vaj does and I don't care about 
dissing his meditation because I really don't know what "it" is. As far as I 
can tell, he does a little bit of this and a little bit of that and all of it 
so vaguely defined, I wouldn't know where to begin discussing "it" with him. 

It's O.K. by me he's not doing TM because if he did it with eyes open, he would 
probably end up with a massive headache. In TM the mind would have to strain to 
keep the eyes open and straining in TM can cause a headache. So if Vaj is doing 
a meditation with eyes-open he's probably not transcending otherwise he would 
be complaining of a headache. 

Maharishi was very clear that open-eyed meditation divides the mind and makes 
it weak. TM withdraws the senses from activity, the mind settles down, thinking 
becomes quieter, it's like drawing the arrow back on the bow, one experiences 
dynamic silence for 20 minutes then one plunges into dynamic activity. TM is 
rest and activity bringing steps of progress. Eyes-open meditation is activity 
and activity bringing steps of weak mind and headache.    

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