Couple in iconic Woodstock photo still happy together

Bobby and Nick Ercoline pose for a photo outside their home in Pine
Bush, N.Y. The Ercolines, wrapped in a muddy blanket, were captured in
an iconic photo (right) from the 1969 Woodstock festival in Bethel, NY. 

August 15, 2009    - For many Americans of a certain age, the Woodstock
Music and Art Fair is a hazy memory.

Not for Bobbi and Nick Ercoline -- the "hugging couple" whose photo
ended up on the cover of the Woodstock soundtrack album.

Forty years ago, they were girlfriend and boyfriend. She lived in Pine
Bush, N.Y., and worked at a bank.

He lived in Middletown, N.Y., and worked two jobs while going to

When they heard about the huge musical festival, "We just had to go,"
Bobbi Ercoline told the Albany Times Union.

They stayed only one night, and never saw the stage.

"Woodstock was a sign of the times," Bobbi told the paper.

"So many things were churning around in our world at that time: civil
rights, the Vietnam War, women's rights. It was our generation," she

They married two years after Woodstock and have children ages 28 and 30.
They live in Pine Bush.

Bobbi Ercoline is a school nurse who started a food pantry. Her husband
is a house inspector.

"I think the further we get from the original event the more meaningful
it becomes, the more we realize how phenomenal it was: all those people
coming together with no violence, just peace, love and sharing," Bobbi
Ercoline said. "Forty years later, it's just remarkable that it could
have occurred.",CST-NWS-woodcouple15\

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