Dear babajii_99.

I have worked for years along somewhat similar lines. Here are some comments:

--- In, "babajii_99" <babajii...@...> wrote:
> Here's my theory...
> Every 7 hundred years, humanity goes through a transition;
> Usually led by someone, who is remembered as the 'Agent of Change'...
> Many, many years later...
> And act as a catalyst, for an evolutionary next step, in human development...
> Here's my List:
You could start with

Abraham - [founder of Monotheism]

> Moses[inspiration of Old Testament]
> King David[inspiration of Psalms]

I doubt it. I tend to accept Immanuel Velikovsky's chronology of 1495 BCE as 
the year of the Exodus. One thing you haven't done is provide at least the 
approximate dates you base your hypothesis on. You can't work on this kind of 
thing without using dates, you just can't.
> Yeshuam bin Joseph[inspiration of New Testament]
> Mo-Ham-meeed[inspiration of Koran]

The Moslems are well aware of the many similarities of Mohammed the Prophet 
with Moses. The similarities of Abraham and Jesus Christ are not obvious due to 
the highly distorted biographical account of the New Testament.

> Leonardo[inspiration of Renaissance]

But Leonardo was quite different from the rest of your line-up...
> Barack Obama[inspiration for people globally]

Nah... I am afraid that you had been waiting for a Messiah to appear... Obama 
seems to belong to a shorter 105-110 years rhythm. The similarities between 
Lincoln (b. 1809) and Kennedy (1917) are well documented (1917-1809=108y). Also:

Paul Morphy (1837) - Bobby Fisher (1943) = 106y
"De la Terre a la Lune" (1865) - Apollo 11 landing (1968) = 103y
(and even Walt Whitman (1819) - Allen Ginsberg (1926) = 107y)

Back to Lincoln-Kennedy: Lincoln was the first to found a successful 3rd party. 
Kennedy was the first non-(Protestant+white+male) to be successful in being 
elected president. The most successful third party bid after Lincoln was by 
Teddy Roosevelt (in 1912) (one of the planks of his program was universal 
health care...). Obama (1961) however did succeed to be elected as the second 
non-(Protestant+white+male) president. He does not, however, seem to correspond 
to Teddy Roosevelt exactly. He rather corresponds to Booker T. Washington 
(1856-1961=105y), the first black to dine in the White House - as a guest of 
Teddy Roosevelt (as we were reminded by senator McCain in his acceptance 
speech). Both were of mixed race and raised by their mother.

Booker T. Washington was quite a remarkable person - but hardly the Messiah.


A academic discussion on the genetic make-up of the Jews

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