--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99" <babajii...@...> wrote:
>  (snip)
> >  Being a bright lad, I expect you noticed that everyone in Washington is 
> > seriously anti second amendment. (name any of the top players)
> >   Do you think it is accidental?
> >
> Mr. Nelson, it's no riddle, if you believe this stuff as true...
> Just stock up on as much ammo, as you can, at Walmart...just buy everything 
> they have...
> In the meantime, stock up on every kind of handgun, rifle, shotguns, flame 
> throwers, hand grenades, everything...
> The only thing you might have trouble securing is a 'Nuclear War-head'...
> But as smart as you are, you could probably figure out a way to make on...
> R.g.
  Hi RG,
  Being the resident conspiracy theorist-rightwingnut-anti UN- anti big 
government and, whatever, I am entitled to have a different opinion than most 
of the current hypnotized types we see in the majority.
   Wallmart here dosent carry ammo anymore and, not being in the rich and 
famous category, stocking up is slow going.  keep laughing..

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