--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99" <babajii...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> > >
> > > We have the Most Profitable Health Care System in the World !
> > > 
> > > Keep the Billionaires Rich!
> > > 
> > > Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHVwrCzRUX0
> > 
> > Funny and instructive protest/film. 
> > 
> > While on vacation I found an old copy of Vanity Fair
> > and read an article about Halliburton/K&R and the
> > whistleblowers who have pointed out how systematically
> > they have ripped off (and continue to rip it off to 
> > this day) the federal government and, by extension, 
> > US taxpayers.
> > 
> > This flick reminded me that in a real sense the health
> > care industry (doctors, Big Pharma, and insurance com-
> > panies) are K&R's moral equivalents -- war profiteers.
> > 
> > Somewhere along the line, their focus shifted away 
> > fighting the war (against terror, against disease)
> > and shifted to *perpetuating* it. Because every day 
> > they can make it last means millions more in the bank
> > for them. 
> > 
> > What's the difference, after all, between billing the
> > federal government for meals served to a number of 
> > people that exceeds the population of Iraq (and worse,
> > having them *pay* that bill without question), and
> > doctors ordering tests that they know are not necessary
> > but which increase their profits or drug companies 
> > selling a drug in the US for $20 a pill that they sell
> > in other countries for 40 cents a pill? 
> > 
> > Nothing.
> >
> There seems to be a group of people, who continue to be pulling the strings, 
> that have no compassion or mercy, or any redeeming qualities...
> All they know how to do is divide and conquer, and to war against anyone, who 
> is not in their demonic group...
> Like you said, if they can't wage war, overseas, then they will wage war on 
> their own countrymen, and woman...keeping the masses, scared, confused and 
> drained...
> Right now, they've are waging a war on President Obama, and the American 
> people..they will fight tooth and nail to prevent Obama from doing anything 
> which would be against their insidious plans...
> They consider him, to be an easy target, for their propaganda, which taps 
> into racism, and anything else they can come up with...
> They will do anything necessary to stay on top, because they don't believe in 
> a Creator God, the Oneness of Spirit, or any evolved consciousness...They 
> believe in seperateness, as long as they can feel superior...
> It's the same with the people running the TM movement...as they are just a 
> reflection of the same collective rich boy superiority...
> They have evil selfish, and murderous intentions, and if a new age is truly 
> to manifest itself, these selfish egotistical bastards will need to fail, but 
> since they control everything, I'm not sure how this is going to happen...
> They have been at this for too long, to give up now...
> It will take an act of God, to reverse this trend...
> And that is what will probably happen.
> r.g.
 Hey  RG  this sounds like a similar situation we had here in the seventeen 
hundreds where a minority of wingnuts handled the problem.
  Now we have even more wingnuts so you can relax.

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