--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <no_re...@...> wrote:
> The NYT article includes a detail from the Friese Chronicles 
> showing the 1349 massacre of Erfurt Jews in Germany, who were 
> blamed for the Black Death
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/01/health/01plague.html

Excellent article, Bob, one that links (in my mind,
at least) what I was saying last week about the rush
to bring an untested flu vaccine to market and shoot
everybody up with it, and the gun nuts who store up
guns to "be prepared" for when the guvmint comes to
take their guns -- and their liberty -- away from

Both phenomena, IMO, are linked by two things -- 
the first is FEAR, and the second is the rush to
Do Something to reinforce the delusion that one is 
"in control," that one can *fight* one's FEAR if 
one just has enough guns or enough vaccines.

Vaccines are great, when they have been thoroughly
tested. Given the level of FEAR and panic in the air
over H1N1, there is *simply no possibility* that the
tests on that vaccine are going to be thorough enough.
It is going to be rushed to market because 1) the
public wants it, to help them believe that they are
somehow "in control" and that Bad Things can't happen
to them if they just Do Something. And maybe, hope-
fully, the vaccine will 1) work, and 2) not kill too
many people *as* it works. Reactions to vaccines are
*inevitable*; there was a story on HuffPost yesterday
about an American GI who was sent into a coma as a 
result of getting a *smallpox* vaccination, fer
chrissakes. And that's a virus that has been around
for a long time. Who knows what the unforeseen reac-
tions are going to be to rushing an H1N1 vaccine to
market are going to be. 

But it's going to happen, because of humans' tendency
to think that if we just Do Something we'll be back
in control again, and Bad Things won't happen to us.

I see the same tendency at the root of the American
obsession with guns. That, and a couple of centuries
of mythology that has glorified the lone gun-toter and
cast him in the role of hero. The gun-toter is the
*emblematic* American hero, the guy who Does Something
to save the day, and restores order to Dodge City. And
that is part of the myth that the gun nuts are draw-
ing upon to justify stocking up on penis substitutes.

I've known a few of these gun nuts, and much of the
time they seem like normal people. But bring up the
subject of their penis substitutes...uh, I mean
their guns...and they go bull goose loony. They stop
talking rationally and start spouting slogans. MACHO
slogans, like, "The guvmint will get my guns when it
pries them from my cold, dead fingers."

Next time someone -- here or in the media -- trots out
these gun nut fantasies about what they're going to DO
with their guns to protect themselves from the big, bad
guvmint, listen to the slogans they're spouting and
compare them to America's mythology as expressed by
cowboy movies and war movies. The people spouting the
slogans are imagining themselves in the role of hero,
Doing Something to save the day, shooting all the
Bad Guys <insert name of scapegoat of the day here>,
and removing the cause of their FEAR.

The only trouble is, it's a fantasy. A *well-tested*
vaccine might kill all those Bad Guy H1N1 viruses and
save the day, but one rushed to market in a few weeks?
A buncha crazed militia types might indulge in their
cowboy and war movie fantasies by taking their assault
rifles out to fight off the invading guvmint troops.
But the reality of modern warfare is that they'd last
about 15 minutes doing so. The guvmint troops, if they
existed anywhere except in these people's fantasies,
would come armed with chemical weapons, sonic weapons,
tanks, and other high-tech stuff, and the guys playing
with their penis substitutes would be rolling on the
ground in agony the first time one of the sonic 
weapons was aimed at them, *begging* the troops to
come and take their penis substitutes away.

So is this "link" I perceive in the mindset that is
rushing a vaccine to market and the gun nuts' clinging
to their penises a bit "stretched?" Probably. But I see
it as a viable link, because it's all based on the 
idea that we can Do Something to fight our FEARS. 

History has proven otherwise. Vaccines rushed to mar-
ket to assuage FEAR have proven to often create as many
problems as they solved. Gun nuts rushing into a situation 
with their penises blazing (think Waco and Ruby Ridge)
have often gone down in a hail of bullets unnecessarily, 
when simple "talking things out" mighthave resolved the 
situation peacefully.

I think that if Americans want to Do Something to 
fight against what's really bothering them and making
them crazy, they have to "man up" and ADMIT what it is
that is really bothering them. They're AFRAID. Trying
to act all "in control" by rolling out an untested
vaccine is in the same ballpark IMO as trying to act
all "macho" by posturing with penis substitutes. It's
"whistling in the dark," pretending that they aren't
afraid. But they are.

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