Lap Dancing for Jesus on the SC Board of Education

Phyllis Schlafly
Eagle Forum

Dear Mrs. Schlafly <> ,

zg/s1600-h/17journal.jpg> Kristin Maguire needs your help. You remember
her. She's the abstinence education activist
_school_board24889/>  who made history by becoming the first home
schooling mom to be appointed chair of a state school board. You praised
her <> 
in one of your Education Reporter stories.

Now she's in trouble <>
for entertaining Gov. Sanford's Chief of Staff with a righteous lap
dance, showing another staffer her see-through, but Christ-like,
panties, and writing such faith-based internet literary classics as
"Lauren's Masturbatory Musings
ings.pdf> ."

Yesterday, she ran her resignation
<>  up Gov. Sanford's
Appalachian trail in order to spend more time lap dancing, flashing, and
masturbating with her family. That's a shame. Lord knows the good people
of South Carolina needed her Christ-based policy advocacy on the school
board. Who will champion abstinence and creation science education for
South Carolina's school children now?

Even more importantly, who will serve as the Palmetto State's role model
for heterosexuality in her absence? Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer can't, now that
he's been outed
<>  as an
anti-gay homosexual. Maybe, Lindsey Graham can fill that role. But
something tells me he's not the best choice.

That's why you have to help Kristin. You must convince people that it's
ok for a good Christian homeschooling mom to give lap dances and write
pornography on the internet. I'd frame it as her playing the submissive
role God intended for women.

The lap dances and flashing were her way of submitting to the Godly
authority of the Christian men for whom she served. Same with the porn.
The story was about a female secretary pleasing a male CEO--there's
nothing more traditionally conservative than that. Heck, it could maybe
even be turned into a film strip--do they still have those--and used in
the curriculum.

See what you can do, and then we'll try to get her resignation

Heterosexually yours in a chaste and biblically appropriate kind of way,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot\

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