‘The Devil’s in the Detail’s’....

'The Wicked Witch of the West'...circa: 1939.........

‘The Devilish One's, whe they own...all the:

‘Mass’ [MEDIA' {M=F-BROS}' CIA]’Inane=wars=Murdock= Fox=Mr. O. North] 
[War/Health Care= Machine]...

The Devil is always so obvious, 
The he/she thinks cleverly,
How to ‘Hide in Plain Site’...

You know the ‘Republicans’ ...
Are the ‘Party of the Corporates’...
And, the ‘Corporates’, are ‘Inhuman Enitites’...
No, one is really in charge...
Because they need to pay the C.E.O’s...
Such enormous salary’s...
For having to sell their souls...to:
‘Mr. Big’...
Mick Jagger gets a call in London...
He hears John Lennon’s been shot to death, in NYC...
It’s cold, it hard news...
It’s the end of an Era...
And the beginning of the ‘Reagan Revolution’...

It will going to take another ‘Grass Roots kind of Revolution’...
To turn this boat around!

~Roberto De Verona, Madison, WI


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