On Sep 2, 2009, at 9:45 AM, jpgillam wrote:

What does it say that there are no
Buddhist or zen groups on the list below?

Too many sleepers I guess. If I was showed a meditation center (the dome in this case) or the place in Vedic city, and saw most of the people actually sleeping instead of meditating I seriously doubt I'd be interested. It turns out half of people practicing TM are actually transcendentally, uh, sleeping. It may just be that New Age cities are too narcissistic for an Awakening School ("Buddhism"). Wrong spiritual supermarket for the product?

Hordes of TMers have taken up Buddhist or other kinds of Hindu meditation. I suspect the trend will continue and people will continue to leave as they mature.

Of course it could also simply be that Doug is a neo-Hindu and not interested in awakening schools. For most TMers and satsangeroo's the mental plane is where it's at. And talking about it, of course.

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