 From: john.f.t...@campaignforliberty.com
Reply-to:  no-re...@campaignforliberty.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 9/11/2009  2:34:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Obama Pushes for Government Health  Control

September 10, 2009 

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Last  night, President Obama made it clear he intends to push hard for a  
government-run Health Control system. His plans, if enacted, will result over 
 time in either a complete government takeover of Health Care, or the total 
 destruction of any meaningful private system. 

Now is the time  for us to raise our voices and insist Congress vote "NO" 
to this government  power grab.

Make no mistake, the Obama plan will cause the price  of insurance to 
skyrocket even further by increasing payouts and other costs  of doing 
putting many more Americans in the position of having to  drop their 

One plan currently being considered in the  Senate would impose a $3,800 
fine on families who refuse to  get health insurance. Health insurance will no 
longer be a free choice in our  country.  President Obama has long 
advocated a universal, single-payer  system, and that is the ultimate goal of 
enacting this so-called "reform"  package.

In regards to his deficit-neutral promise, the  Congressional Budget Office 
has _already stated_ 
  that HR 3200 will add over 
$200  billion to the deficit over the next ten years, and Social Security, 
Medicare,  and Medicaid are already trillions of dollars in the red.

Are we  really expected to believe that yet another government program on 
top of all  these will save money?

And, hidden throughout the over 1000 pages  that make up this bill are even 
more "goodies" for the allies of Big  Government, such as a massive payoff 
to Big Labor, who will reap millions of  new forced union dues and wield 
unprecedented power over government and  "private" health care _as reported_ 
AEC16992A8A38C78A8)  in The Wall Street  Journal.  

President Obama has repeatedly stated that  we cannot deal with the rising 
cost of health care by maintaining the status  quo. I wholeheartedly agree.

We must acknowledge that the root  cause of the health care crisis in this 
country is _government interference_ 
 . Of course, 
many in the  insurance industry have taken full advantage of their lobbying 
power and  monopolies, but they have been able to do this because of the  

It is government that prohibits individuals from  being able to shop across 
state lines for insurance.

It is  government that imposes thousands of mandates on insurance  

It is government that created HMOs in the  1970s.

It is government that has _skewed the market_ 
prop up third party  payers.

Simply put, the problems with health care in America are  TOO MUCH gover
nment interference already. The solution is to lessen government  control - NOT 
give them more power!

The Council for Affordable  Health Insurance has identified a total of 
2,133 mandated benefits and  providers currently required by state 
mandates they estimate  increase the cost of basic coverage from around 20% 
to as high as possibly  50%. Read their report _here_ 

If the president thinks we  can pay for his plan through saving billions of 
dollars by eliminating waste  and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid, then why 
don't we clean out those systems  now and return that money through tax cuts 
to the American taxpayer, providing  them extra funds to buy insurance if 
they want it?

Both major  parties believe the answer to our health care crisis is through 
government  intervention. They only differ in the degree of that  

It's time to choose freedom.

Americans  should be free to shop across state lines for health insurance, 
to easily go  outside the country for cheaper medications, and to buy health 
insurance  without being taxed on it.

Congress should give Americans control  over their health care by giving 
them control over their health care dollar  via tax credits and deductions 
similar to those outlined in Congressman Ron  Paul's Comprehensive Health Care 
Reform Act (HR 1495).

And  Congress should protect privacy rights by allowing patients and 
physicians to  opt-out of any government-mandated or funded system of 
health care  records, and by repealing the federal law creating an "unique 
patient  identifier" by adopting the policies contained in Congressman Ron 
Paul's  Protect Patients and Physicians Privacy Act (HR 2630).

_Tell Congress today_ 
  that you oppose cementing  
the status quo of government care. Urge your representative and senators to  
oppose HR 3200 and all other bills that would take control over your health  
care out of your hands. Click _here_ 
  to sign our  

President Obama ran on a platform of hope and change,  but his policies 
have proved to be not only more of the same, but a fresh  stamp of approval on 
the ways things have been done for the last thirty  years.

Real reform starts with freedom, and real hope for America  means upholding 
its founding principle of self-determination. 

In Liberty, 
John Tate 

P.S. A complete government  takeover of health care has been defeated 
before, but the odds have never been  as stacked against us as they are now. If 
you are able, please consider  _contributing_ 
  to C4L 
today to help us promote  true health care reform and defend the principles 
that made this nation great  from further desecration.  

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