--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelsonriddle2001" <nelsonriddle2...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > http://snipurl.com/rq3et <http://snipurl.com/rq3et>  
> > [www_onlineprnews_com]
> > 
> > "It has been known for some time that stress, and fatigue are probable
> > causes of obesity. It's also well know that the Transcendental
> > Meditation Program is an effective solution for stress management. So
> > according to researchers using the Transcendental Meditation Program to
> > control weight was just the next logical step.
> > 
> > Brain Chemistry and Weight Loss through Meditation
> > Unlike diet or exercise which achieve weight loss by focusing on
> > improving the physical body, the Transcendental Meditation Program
> > addresses the problem of weight gain by correcting mental imbalances.
> > 
> > When the brain is not functioning correctly it sends incorrect messages
> > to the body resulting in abnormal food cravings, unneeded fat deposits,
> > and an overly slow metabolism.
> > 
> > There is not one type of mental imbalance that causes obesity.
> > 
> > Several different independent studies each show how a particular
> > imbalance in the brain is responsible for weight gain. One common
> > imbalance is low serotonin levels, caused by stress, fatigue, and an
> > imbalanced diet. Another common imbalance is incorrect functioning of
> > the hypothalamus, which can be triggered by many factors including
> > stress and diet.
> >

>   Did you note the role of MSG and HFCS in the equasion?


I don't know if MSG and HFCS are widely recognized as having some responsible 
for obesity (clearly, some researchers think so -- and televangelist Pat 
Robertson is ballistic on HFCS and diet soda ingredients), but they are almost 
certainly not factors in Bevan's diet -- his diet is ayurvedic, with 
ingredients and cooking that would be healthy if it wasn't for the fact that he 
just plain eats too much.

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