The only people, who race matters to, are racist.

This is an elementary principle...
To give them attention, only makes what they are doing ‘Real’...
The Indians have a word for what is ‘Unreal’...they call it ‘Maya’...

These racist are ‘Maya’...holdovers from another vile times, past...
Perhaps, 'Nazi Germany', perhaps, The Confederate South'...
That’s where they’re from...
Trapped in ‘Some Kind of Time-Warp!’

But no matter, how much these racists are upset...
Doesn’t matter...their days of power, are quite over, now...
We voted to get beyond all of that, nonsense...

We need to remember, this is the 21st Century!
The new generation, will not tolerate, this old ‘Southern Racism’..
 This new generation, wants to: ‘Change the World’...
Not live in a stagnant wasteland of ‘Corporate Greed’..

This generation, chooses life, not the fear of war and death...
This generation chooses to ‘Help One Another’...
 Do we like the ‘Dog eat Dog’...
Never ending battle of ‘Egos’ an never-ending...
 ‘Donald Trump Show, Oh, NO!

It’s  time to ‘Evolve’...
Sorry, you folks, that are ‘Frozen in Concrete’...

It is quite to late, for the ‘Opposition’ bring back the days of:
‘Institutional Racism’...
Although, [Republican in Chief]- Herr Rush Limbaugh,
Does have a ‘Platform’ for returning to ‘Segregation’...

The thrust of the ‘Decimated Republican Party’...
Now that we’ve [imploded]= let’s just go, kind of spinning... backwards...

So, it seems, that George W.Bush, did demolish the ‘Character’..
Or, what was left of it, after, Reagan, Bush Sr., Nixon and Kissinger...
[All kind of dark characters, really!
 [So, goes the Irony of the English Language]

So, for the rest of us, race just doesn't matter...
The other folks, well, they still have a lot of personal issues...
to work out, I'm sure...
So, we will pray for Jesus, to somehow, someway...
Return these very disturbed souls...
To some kind of 'Sanity!'...

Roberto G.


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