--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert G." <babajii...@...>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <babajii_99@> wrote:
> > >
> > > The Israelis, do not want war...the people in Israel, do not want
> > Quite right the Israelis don't want war, they just want to steal
other people's land without having them fight back. If only people
wouldn't fight back when they have their property stolen from them then
we wouldn't have war.
> >

> So, it's all about real estate, that people are inspired to kill each
> It's it's a matter, of who is more organized, who has the better
weapons, and who is more brutal and inspired to wipe out the 'enemy'...
> I believe that is how the Europeans conquered the people who lived
quite fine, for thousands of years, before the 'European Invasion'...
> So, why don't you give your land back...It was all stolen from the
Native Americans...
> Whose gonna be first to give the land back?
> Anyone?
> Robert.


~80% of the indigenous peoples of America were killed by disease that
Europeans brought in with them, thus making it possible for Europeans to
settle and displace the native peoples:

"On an estimate of approximately 50 million people in 1492 (including 25
million in the Aztec Empire and 12 million in the Inca Empire), the
lowest estimates give a death toll due to disease of 80% by the end of
the 16th century (8 million people in 1650).

However, there is no mechanism like the diseases that killed in the
Americas that will allow the Israelis to overcome the great population
advantage that Arabs and Muslims enjoy (the current military dominance
that Israel enjoys courtesy of American military aid will be gone in the
foreseeable future because the A/M world has the means to achieve
military parity or superiority). So, when the Arab and Muslim world gets
as educated and organized as the Europeans and Americans who imposed
Israel on the region at a time when the A/M world was weak, Israel will
have to go. So, moral issues aside, practical people who are concerned
about the welfare of the Jews in Israel should recognize the
inevitability of the end of the Israeli regime and move somewhere else.

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