Curious because he has been in the News of late, and 
from Spain as well, I surfed 'Leonard Cohen' on YouTube, 
finding this gem:

Leonard, who collapsed onstage at his previous concert,
is scheduled to perform on his 75th birthday tomorrow
night in Barcelona. 

I'm still searching for last-minute tickets, and will
go if I can. The man has class. Being a lifelong seeker,
having devoted years of your life to being one of the
world's great ladies' men, then having devoted an equal
number of years to being a monk in a monastery, only to 
discover that your manager had stolen your retirement 
nest egg and that you had to go on the road again at 74 
to pay the bills must be a bitch. Some would not greet 
that twist of fate with grace, much less with class. 
Leonard has class enough to still say -- and want to -- 

My kinda seeker.

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