I was watching an episode of Top Chef the other day, and one of the chefs 
mentioned fennel pollen. Culinary fennel pollen? Never heard of it, but it 
sounds interesting! So, I Googled and ordered some:


Yesterday, I used some in a spicy shrimp, celery, red bell pepper salad, and it 
was pretty good. But, I just finished what has to be the best chicken breast 
I've ever eaten. I made a dry rub with a teaspoon of fennel pollen and a big 
pinch of saffron, powdered it in a mortar and pestle, and sprinkled it on both 
sides of the chicken breasts, reserving a little bit of the rub for the end. I 
then very gently sauteed the chicken in a little butter, shut the heat off, 
added more butter, the rest of the rub, and a little fresh squeezed lemon 
juice. The color and flavor was extraordinary.

BTW, for really high quality saffron:


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