--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> ShempMcGurk wrote:
> > capitalism is as good and as pure as the driven snow as it always was.  
> What other deranged opinion would we expect from Shemp.  Capitalism 
> breeds inequality, greed and corruption.  It works okay in small 
> populations but we haven't seen that in centuries.  In mass populations 
> people "game" the system due to their own greed.  That has to be 
> stopped!  The "free market" is a joke and doesn't work.  There's a good 
> reason business types are the third rung of the Indian caste system.


"Now that communism is gone the next to go is capitalism"
- Maharishi, 1989

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