--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> Balsekar made statements most Westerners cannot accept, such as 
> everything that happens is the the will of Ishvara. If you accept
> the declaration that the three gunas interact among themselves and that there 
> is no doer then we must accept the logic of his assertion. 
> If you declare that Ishvara/Ishvari (the cosmic ruler and lord of the gunas) 
> is the sole doer then the same conclusion applies.
> Read it and weep. 
++++ Fortunately, with our free will, we can believe it or not.
> **********************************************
> Balsekar:
> (...)Chapter 4: God's Will and Man's Free Will.
> My experience has been that most visitors are able to accept the concept of 
> God's will prevailing most of the time because they not only see the logic of 
> it but, more importantly, they experience a feeling of tremendous relief and 
> freedom: freedom from guilt and responsibility. But the problem arises 
> because the concept of personal doership and the corresponding responsibility 
> for their
> actions is so deeply ingrained that they feel that the spirit of relief and 
> freedom which they have felt may not be practical.
> What the problem boils down to is this: 'Thy will be done is a very fine 
> concept, but I have to live my life in a society which in practice does not 
> accept this concept and holds me responsible for my actions. How do I live my 
> life? What do I do every moment that I have to make a decision?'
> This is a very valid argument. My answer to this problem is simple: do 
> whatever you feel like doing; do whatever you think you should do according 
> to your own standards of what is right and wrong. In other words, you have 
> the free will to do whatever you choose to decide. Having decided to do 
> whatever you choose to do, thereafter what is your own personal experience? 
> Have all your decisions turned into actual actions? Supposing some of your 
> decisions have indeed turned
> into actions, have all those actions always produced the results that you 
> have anticipated and for which you have held yourself responsible? The answer 
> is obvious: some of your decisions have turned into actions, some have not; 
> some of your actions have produced the anticipated results, some have not; 
> indeed quite
> a few of 'your' actions have produced results quite contrary to your
> expectations. Therefore, it is your own experience that your free will 
> extends merely to making a decision. What happens thereafter is, from your 
> own experience, not in your control because various other factors come into 
> play over which you have no control.
> Now, let us investigate the supposed free will you have to make a decision. 
> What is 'your' decision based on? If you investigate this point you will find 
> out that you always base your decision on your 'programming', i.e. the genes 
> or DNA and your conditioning which includes your education and practical 
> experience, over which you truly have had no control. Recent research has 
> brought out the
> fact that many of your actions - both good and bad, positive and negative - 
> can be traced to your genes. So consider for yourself: how genuine is my 
> 'free will'?! (...)
> (...) The final question that remains at this stage is: How does one acquire 
> this total unconditional acceptance that all action is a divine happening and 
> not the action of any individual person? The obvious answer is that no one 
> can acquire or achieve this kind of acceptance about God's Will unless that 
> itself is God's will! But one can take considerable solace from the fact that 
> seeking this peace of mind has already happened in one's case through God's 
> grace and it
> is truly God's responsibility to further promote the process. In the words of 
> Ramana Maharshi, 'Your head is already in the tiger's mouth, and there is no 
> escape.' But, as has been said before, this fact that nothing can happen 
> unless it is God's will does not prevent you from doing whatever you think 
> you should do. You do have that apparent free will.
> The only spiritual practice I usually recommend for the intellectual 
> acceptance to go deeper into its finality is to experience the truth of this 
> concept from personal experience. The ego may accept this concept of God's 
> will intellectually, but the acceptance cannot reach the stage of finality 
> unless the ego finds from its own investigation of its own personal 
> experience that this concept is the truth as far as he or she is concerned. 
> If only one thinks of one's own past experience, one is bound to come to the 
> conclusion that all of
> the more significant events in one's life were not one's own actions, but 
> happenings over which one had hardly any control and which were the result of 
> circumstances over which one had no control. But that is not enough to 
> convert the concept into actual fact. This must be proved from personal 
> experience from day to day.
> There must be an honest and thorough investigation into what you think are 
> 'your' actions from day to day. This investigation is really one step further 
> from Ramana Maharshi's famous 'Who am I?'. This investigation that I suggest 
> is based on theory: 'Am I the doer of what I think are my actions?' (...)
> For those interested in more text about free will see the books by Ramesh 
> Balsekar, especially SIN & GUILT (monstrosity of mind) with answers by 
> Ramesh,(ZEN Publications). 
> Hereunder a choice of chapter 4:
> Actions happen - there's no individual doer thereof. Actions happen
> because it is God's will; the relevant consequences affect those concerned 
> also according to God's will. 'God's will' can be substituted by the words 
> 'Cosmic Law' or 'Universal Law'.

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