Oh, the quandary this poses for those who 
seem to live to "dump on Barry." Should
they claim that the results of this study
were skewed because I slept with all of
the women surveyed, or because I didn't? :-)

But at least now we know why Nabby hasn't 
gotten lucky in decades...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii...@...> wrote:
> Breaking News!
> Heard, through, the 'Air America' grapevine, today...
> S.O.S.
> Sex, It's all about Sex!
> It seems that of all the 'Countries in the Whole World'...
> In a survey of over a thousand, humans of the 'Female Race'...
> That, Spain, comes out, as having the 'Best Lovers'...
> Germany, takes the bottom of the chart.
> Reason: 'German men stink!'
> R.G.  'We Report, You Decide!'

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